Formation of Noun

  •  Learn here how to Forming Noun, Adjective, Verbs as well as Adverb.

Forming Noun
ar = liar, scholar                                               
al = arrival, approval                                       
age = marriage, bondage                            
ance = assistance, brilliance                     
ation/ tion = creation, reflection               
an/en = artisan, citizen                            
ary/ery = dispensary, nunnery,      
ry = treasury                                      
cy = accuracy, fancy                       
dom = freedom, kingdom                          
er  = reader, maker                           
eer = mountaineer                                      
ess = actress, authoress                             
ee = examinee, addressee                   
ence = excellence, difference                 
hood = boyhood, childhood                       
ist = dramatist, novelist                           
ice = service, cowardice                            
ion = action, union, opinion                   
ism = criticism, socialism                     
ity/ty = ability, safety                          
kin/en = napkin, chicken                      
ling = darling, duckling                       
let/et = booklet, locket                            
logy = biology, geology                         
ment = agreement, judgment                 
mony = testimony, matrimony               
ness = darkness, goodness                       
on = surgeon                                        
or = sailor, supervisor                                
ock = hillock, bullock                                 
red = kindred, hatred                            
ship = hardship, friendship                    
sion = illusion, conversion                        
th = health, wealth                               
tude = fortitude, magnitude                  
yer = lawyer

Forming Adjective
al = legal, mortal                                                
ar = familiar, regular                                      
able = valuable, movable                                   
ary = necessary, documentary                       
ate = fortunate, temperate                           
en = wooden, golden                                         
ed = learned, talented                                    
fold = two-fold, three-fold                             
ful = hopeful, beautiful                           
ic/ical = tragic, technical                                  
ish = blackish, foolish                                    
istic = fantastic, optimistic                                  
id = vivid, lucid                                                      
ile = fragile, servile                                         
ine = feminine, divine                                     
ive = active, attentive                                 
ian/an = Indian, African                                     
ible = sensible, possible                                  
less = helpless, aimless                                            
ly = godly, friendly                                              
y = greedy, needy

Forming Verbs
ate  = captivate, annihilate                              
en = broaden, loosen                                         
er = glitter, chatter                                             
fy = beautify, classify                                    
ish = publish, punish                                  
ise/ize = civilize, realize                                               
se = cleanse, rinse

Forming Adverb
ly = badly, clearly                                           
wise = otherwise, clockwise                         
wards = backwards, upwards

NB. By adding ly with adjective we can form Adverb.     

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